Dr. Varsha Patel Joshi - Nutritionist and Classical Homeopath

Dr. Varsha Patel Joshi

  • Nutritional intervention in Autism spectrum disorder
  • Implementing GFCF ( Gluten free Casein free diets) for Autistic individuals
  • Clinical Diets in case of Metabolic disorders
  • Was interviewed on BBC radio Sheffield U.K
  • Conducted Nutrition and Homeopathy Workshop in reputed organization like Central bank of India Chembur branch
  • Worked at IOSIS Spa in the weight management and Dietary care
  • Headed the Nutrition department in a wellness company and worked in the compilation of 10000 plus clinical recipes.
  • Expert in preconception dietary management for PCOS and difficult conception cases
  • Dietary care for renal failure patients
Knowledge and professional experience:
  • Dr. Varsha Joshi, is practicing Classical Homeopathy and Nutrition consultation in Mumbai, India.
  • Dr. Varsha has done her Masters in Nutrition from the University of Sheffield in UK. During her studies at Sheffield University she did a Research project on children with Auditory Processing Disease (APD) and Fatty acids. She has also written research paper on "Preventive effect of cur cumin (ingredient of turmeric) in colorectal cancer".
  • Dr. Varsha expertise's in Clinical Diets , considering the dietary habits, daily routine and the religion to reach a balanced diet as per the need of individual. Dr. Varsha also helps people to achieve the dietary goals through her clinical diets and informative articles on healthy living.
  • Dr. Varsha has a keen interest in treating Acute and Chronic diseases and its management with Homoeopathic medicines and the right Diet. In the field of treating Autism she has been studying the effects of Gluten free Casein free diet.some of her areas of interest besides autism are polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Fibroadenoma of the breast, uterine fibroids.
  • Dr. Varsha has also successfully treated patients suffering from depression, mental disorders and children who suffer from behavioral disorders and autistic complex disorder.
Languages known:
  • English | Marathi | Hindi | Gujrati

For Appointments

Whatsapp on : +91 9137750397   |  E mail : drjoshi.autism@gmail.com

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