Is it justified to give Stem cell treatment to children with Autism right now? Do parents really read what consent are they signing when they go in for these stem cell treatments? I think it is the hope that is created that the child will get alright but do we see the risk that we are taking? So many questions but few answers to these questions as these are early day when stem cell advance could help in treating Autism.
In the future when the cause of autism is established and further advances in stem cell may bring in the desired change that is expected. I am writing this article as we have seen parents spending huge amount of money on this and at the end are left high and dry. Few kids which we saw after they came from stem cell treatment had become overly aggressive in some the sensory issues had peaked up. But as usual once you have given the consent not much could be done so before you go in for such interventions:
Do ask your treating doctors about few of the following questions?These are few of the questions that one should keep in mind. Currently there are various interventions which can bring lot of positive changes in the child, so it is prudent to wait till the stem cell therapy advances and also the exact cause of Autism is ascertained. We have seen children responding very well to Homeopathy, Therapies and Nutritional intervention that we carry out at our autism center.
With the Homeopathic medicines we have seen it has the capacity to treat the hyperactivity, behavioural issues and at the same time improve the comprehension and understanding of the child. We have seen the results are best seen when the child is under the age of 5 years at the same time teenagers have also responded well when the integrated approach was taken.
Said this the Homeopathic treatment is completely non-invasive and safe. We are also running various autism awareness campaigns across India via our shows and globally via social media.
Our aim is to bring the best available treatment to the children who are on the spectrum at the same time with the advances in stem cell in the future we may also start a full-fledged stem cell organization.
Let’s think before we put our children through any procedure think and take an informed decision do not get carried away with marketing gimmicks and false hopes.