In the summer of 2004 when the idea of online treatment was gaining speed we were also equally eager to spread the benefits of our expertise to the world. Since 2004 there has been no looking back and we have served patients successfully across 80 locations globally .In India our services have reached to major metros to small villages.
Earlier it was quite difficult to reach to villages where the availability of computers and internet was quite difficult but now with the entry of Smartphone's and evolving technology it's been like a dream come true. The penetration of Internet has also been a great boon to reach out to masses. We provide our online services via our defined online protocol and we also are critical about maintaining the confidentiality of our patients. The process is simple where you register for our services and we send the necessary document which you need to fill and send it across.
In patients who cannot fill the details can avail to directly having a video conferencing with us where we understand the case history and then run it through our structured analysis and evaluation. We also take help of the world's best Homeopathic software Radar for our in-depth analysis. Once this is done we send the medicines to your place, follow ups are typically once in 14 days or as per the need of the case. We also have an online appointment scheduler so you can book our appointments in advance.